Restland Cemetery and City Cemetery in Gatesville, Texas is operated by the city as a service to the public. For inquiries relating to plot availability, please contact City Staff.
2201 Waco Street, Gatesville, TX 76528
If entering Gatesville on Main Street (US Hwy 84) from the Waco direction, turn right on 22nd Street and follow the street two blocks directly to the cemetery entrance. When entering the cemetery, you are traveling north, with the grave site markers generally facing east.
The cemetery is open from ½ hour before sunrise to ½ hour after sunset
It is unlawful for any person to enter or remain within the cemetery at any time it is not open.
1. Drive on improved roads only.
2. Enter by marked gates only.
3. No plantings or enhancements of any kind are allowed in the Cemetery.
4. Any enhancements not meeting the regulations of the Cemetery will be removed by the City.
5. General maintenance of the cemetery is the City of Gatesville’s responsibility.
6. Interments, decorations on plots, and other plot alterations must be approved.
Source: City of Gatesville Code of Ordinances, Chapter 12