Burn Bans & Outdoor Burning


When a burn ban is NOT in effect, please use the following information:

Burning inside the city limits of Gatesville requires permission from the Fire Marshal. You may request permission by calling 254.216.3444

Coryell County citizens are reminded that all outdoor burning is required to comply with the State Outdoor Burning Rule, Title 30, Texas Administrative Code, Sections 111.201 through 111.221 and the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (T.C.E.Q.) guidance, RG-049 dated February 2015.

Citizens are reminded that standard State restrictions remain in effect. 

If anyone plans on burning, please contact the Coryell County Sheriff's Office at 254-865-7201 prior to burning. The dispatcher will obtain some basic information, to hopefully prevent unnecessary responses from the county fire departments to your controlled burn.

TCEQ outdoor burning  guidelines include:

Burning can only be done at a time when the wind speed is greater than 6mph and less than 23mph.

Burning must be done no earlier than one hour after sunrise, and the fire must be completely out no later than one hour before sunset.

TCEQ rules also state that a fire must be attended by a responsible person at all times during the active burning phase.

Only dry plant growth generated on the burn site can be burned.

The following prohibited material cannot be burned:

Asphalt material

Chemical wastes

Electrical insulation

Items containing natural or synthetic rubber

Non-wood construction/demolition materials

Petroleum products


Potentially explosive materials

Treated lumber


Please be safe and use caution with any outdoor burning.

T.C.E.Q. rules also state that a fire must be attended by a responsible person at all times during the active burning phase. 

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Coryell County Burn Ban Resolution (08/21/24)
Coryell County Burn Ban Resolution Page 2 (08/21/24)