Solid Waste and Recycling Program
Trash within city limits of Gatesville is collected by Centex Waste Management.
Commercial Customers:
Dumpsters: Businesses must call Waste Management directly to set up an account for payment and dumpster pickup schedule. The phone number to call is 1.800.800.5804. If you have questions or issues call Waste Management.
Light Commercial Polycart(s): Businesses that prefer a 96 gallon polycart(s) will need to set up an account in the Water Department Billing Office and charges will be included in the monthly water bill. The phone number to call is 254-865-8951. Waste will be collected once per week.
Residential Customers:
Charges for residential customers are included with your water bill each month. If you have questions or a problem with your trash pickup, call the Water Department Billing Office at 254.865.8951.
Collection Guidelines
- Each household is provided with a wheeled 96-gallon green cart with a green lid for waste and a wheeled 96-gallon green cart with a yellow lid for recyclables.
- Place your 96-gallon carts at the curb the night before your scheduled collection or by 7:00 a.m. the day of your pickup.
- Waste will be collected once per week (see service map).
- Please bag your trash and food waste before placing in the 96-gallon trash cart to prevent blowing of loose trash. Make sure all materials fit in the cart with the lid firmly closed.
- Empty recyclables directly into your cart - do not bag your recyclables, and no loose plastic bags.
- No additional waste will be picked up outside the cart.
- Make sure there are at least 3 feet between your carts and any obstacles - mailbox, parked cars or trees.
Every-Other-Week Recycling Collection
Effective February 6, 2023, recycling will be collected every-other-week on the same day as your waste collection. The first week of recycling collection will begin the week of February 13, 2023. Please see the Map and Collection Calendar to determine your collection dates.
The cart with the yellow lid is to be used for recyclable items only. You will find a list of items that are accepted on a sticker on the lid of the cart. You may also view the list on the attachment below or go to
Bulk & Bundled Brush Items
Curbside bulk waste and brush bundle collection is monthly on Tuesdays according to the map above. Items cannot be more than four (4) cubic yards in total size, weigh more than 40 lbs, or be larger than one person can safely lift and deposit into the collection truck. Place bulk and bundled brush within three feet (3') of the curb on collection day.
No construction or landscape maintenance debris may be placed at the curb for collection if generated by a third-party contractor, i.e. landscaper, tree-trimmer, etc. It is the third-party contractor's responsibility to haul off this material.
Brush Requirements
- Branches and tree trimmings must be no greater than three inches (3") in diameter and be cut, tied, and bundled in three foot (3') lengths weighing no more than forty pounds (40 lbs.).
Leaves and lawn clippings are allowable if bagged and remain within the total monthly limit of four (4) cubic yards - equal to eight (8) 30 gallon bags.
Accepted as Bulk Waste:
- Appliances (a certified technician must tag the appliance that the Freon was removed)
- Bicycles (without tires)
- Furniture and mattresses
- Sinks, toilets, and drained/empty water heaters
Not Accepted as Bulk Waste: (some of these are eligible for At Your Door)
- Appliances containing Freon
- Batteries and paint
- Concrete, brick, asphalt, and roofing
- Construction debris from a contractor
- Gasoline, oil and filters
- Tires, vehicles, and parts
NEW: At Your Door Service for Hazardous Waste
To dispose of home-generated special materials and schedule a collection at your home, contact us in one of these two ways:
- Call (800) 449-7587 · 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. CST M-F
WM offers convenient service in your community for residents to properly dispose and recycle home-generated special materials - safely, easily, and responsibly . These items may include paints, household cleaners, compact fluorescent lamps (CFL), automotive products, garden chemicals, batteries, electronics, and more. There is no additional charge for this service.

Trash pick up will occur once a week, according to your zone.
- Zone A - every Monday
- Zone B - every Tuesday
- Zone C - every Thursday
- Zone D - every Friday
Recycling pick up will occur on your trash day, but every-other week. These dates are highlighted in yellow. On these days, you may put both the trash and recycling cart at the curb.
A full sized version of the Map and Schedule is available by clicking the link at the bottom of this page
Bulk trash will be picked up once a month according to your zone.
- Zone A - 1st Tuesday of month
- Zone B - 2nd Tuesday of month
- Zone C - 3rd Tuesday of month
- Zone D - 4th Tuesday of month
A full sized version of the Map and Schedule is available by clicking the link at the bottom of this page