Plunge for Food for Families

Plunge for Food

Please help us reach our goal! Food for Families is a great cause that Coryell County always comes through with record-setting numbers! As City Staff, we have a goal and are asking you to help!

Do you want to see your City Manager do a polar plunge in the  City of Gatesville Pool? If so, it's time to go through those pantries! As City Staff, we aim to raise $7,500 in money or donations for food for families. Time is short, and we only have one week to reach our goal!

To donate to the cause:

  • Collect canned goods and bring them to Gatesville City Hall for counting on November 21st.
  • If you have monetary donations, please take them to the Police Department  Front Desk. Make sure they are marked Food for Families. Checks should be made to the City of Gatesville, and the memo line should be "Food for Families".