Job Opportunities at the City Pool

Job Status: 
Open - open and accepting applications

Positions we are currently hiring for include:

  • Lifeguard
  • Head Lifeguard
  • Assistant Pool Manager
  • Lifeguard Instructor

Job descriptions can be found below.

Minimum age to work at the Gatesville City Pool is 15.

Before April 25th - Fill out and submit a City of Gatesville Job Application to  Register for Lifeguard class by clicking "Register Now" at the bottom of this page, even if you hold an active certification. 

April 28th- American Red Cross Lifeguard prerequisites at the City Pool beginning at 5:30PM. 

Successfully complete the two prerequisite swimming skills evaluations:

Prerequisite 1: Complete a swim-tread-swim sequence without stopping to rest: 150 yards, 2 minute treading then 50 yards.

Prerequisite 2: Complete a timed event within 1 minute, 40 seconds: Brick Dive

May 1st - You will receive an email from your American Red Cross Instructor to begin completing the online portion of your Lifeguard training.  You will be tested on these skills 

May 5th - May 11th - In person lifeguard certification classes and skill demonstration.

May 12th - Formal job offerings issued.

May 24th - Pool Opens